Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Mood Swings during Pregnancy (part 1 of 2)

Pregnancy, especially for the first time, can be an intimidating and frightening experience for a woman. Pregnant women are prone to mood swings because of the numerous changes occurring within their body. If they think about the other changes that would happen when they finally give birth, this could result to another bout of mood swing. Help your loved one get over their mood swings and enjoy a beautiful pregnancy with the tips below.

No More Stress
Avoid anything that could cause your pregnant loved one to feel stressed. Have her leave work as early as possible but only if she’s amenable to it. Never force her to do anything but of course, you need to convince her as well that certain activities will be off-limits to her due to her condition.

Pregnant women can be exceptionally touchy when it comes to the things that they were once able to do in the past but are now unable to. They know what’s good for them, but they’re having a hard time accept it. In these instances, you can only show your love and support.

Eliminate stress and you eliminate one significant cause for mood swings during pregnancy.

No More Fatigue
Pregnant women tire more easily so it’s important that you advise them to stay away from any activity which could exhaust them. Exhaustion weakens the body and consequently, the unborn baby would feel exhausted, too. Remember: the health of an unborn child relies on the health of the pregnant mother.

Mood swings are a natural result of fatigue. You need only, however, remind them of their child’s health and they are sure to desist from whatever they’re doing.


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